Facility Rentals

  • Join us for All Saints Eve on Monday, October 31 from 6-8 PM at the Shiloh Educational Center. Come out and enjoy Trunk-A-Treats, Tater the Clown, Popcorn, Games, Cotton Candy and Much More. Costumes are accepted!
  • A special called meeting will be held on Sunday, October 30th, 12 Noon-12:30 PM. At that time you will have a chance to vote on an Interim Pastor. The candidates are Rev. Ervin McWilson and Rev. Karen Kelley. We look forward to your participation. Thanks for your prayers.
  • The world marks October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month we will honor and celebrate with “Pink Out Sunday” on Sunday October 16th. Please wear your pink as we support those that are fighting, fought and WON!
  • Our hearts and minds are with the people of Florida as they start assessing the devastation from Hurricane Ian. #ShilohMcDonough
  • We will have a Member/Leadership meeting on Wednesday October 5th at 7PM in the Sanctuary. Masks are required.