Fellowship Ministries
This ministry is vital in the support to reach out to the men of Shiloh to aid in using Christian beliefs for guidance.
This ministry is open to all Women of Shiloh and promotes unity, encouragement and challenges ~ nurtures the Women of Shiloh, empowering them to share God’s message, mentor younger women and bring a Christian Women’s perspective to issues facing the church and our world.
COUPLE’S MINISTRY offers opportunities for married couples to strengthen their relationship through a forum to gain knowledge and enlightened perspectives about God’s expectations regarding marriage and marital roles, as well as promote bonds and establish support groups within the ministry. Meetings are held Sundays during the Sunday School hour.
SINGLE’S MINISTRY reaches out to empower Christian adult singles and to enjoy their season of singleness while fulfilling God’s “Purpose” for their individual lives.
This matriarchal group is often called on to pray for others in need and witness to those with broken spirits. They are an inspiration to the youth coming up behind them, and their legacy is evident throughout the church.
VETERAN’S MINISTRY: This group continues to acknowledge the memory of those who previously served our Country as well as those who continue to serve for their bravery and patriotism.